Besides our paid Lifeguards, Edgewood Pool is run by volunteers. Preparations for the 2023 Summer are underway, and we anticipate a great pool season. We are actively recruiting for board positions and volunteers.

Contact Us to Get Involved
It's a great time to get involved and here's why:

We’ve been able to improve each year because of the systems and operations that have been put into place. Many of the operational systems of the pool have been automated.

We’ve also put in place a number of systems to help automate our operations, including membership, maintenance and guard scheduling.

Finally – we’ve already started recruiting for lifeguards and have solid core team returning!!

There are many additional ways to help out beyond a board position. We need help with weekly water maintenance and routine operational tasks. If these are things that you think you can help with – just know your contributions will make a huge difference!

For those that can help out, we offer membership in exchange for your services.

Edgewood Pool remains one of the few community-run pools in the region. It has survived and thrived due to the efforts of dozens of people spanning decades. It is truly a unique place and a gem for the neighborhood.

However, it won’t operate without the efforts of our community. Please consider joining the Board or joining our volunteer team to help out.

We would like to thank our sponsors...

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Bo\'s Wine Depot

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